Electronic traffic management!

Elev8’s traffic management division is fully electronic!  Yes, our traffic management team use a web based paperless system called JobWatch which allows us to plan, manage and track your traffic management job electronically.  This clever cloud based system enables our traffic management operatives in the field to have all the information they need at their fingertips on a tablet.  There is no forgetting paperwork as it is all available electronically including the traffic management plan, the risk assessment and method statement as well as any permits needed for the job.

At the start of each day Elev8's traffic management operatives perform a safety check on their vehicle and the results are entered into the tablet.  Once completed, they can see the exact location of where you require traffic management, which has been entered as a specific GPS point.   The systems built in satnav then uses this GPS location to navigate our traffic management team directly to your site, saving time locating your job and making sure we arrive promptly.

Traffic management installation

JobWatch guides our traffic management operatives through exactly what they need to do to safely install traffic management.  Completion of each stage is recorded electronically and our office team can see in real time exactly where in the job process our traffic management teams are.  The set-up process includes:

  • Taking photos of the clear site before setting up traffic management
  • Perform a site risk assessment
  • Review of the risk assessment and method statement
  • Review the traffic management plan
  • Our traffic management operatives then set up the traffic management to plan
  • Once traffic management has been installed a minimum of 3 photos are taken of the set up
  • The job is then signed over to you the client


Traffic management team

Removing traffic management

When you have completed your project and it is time for traffic management to be removed JobWatch once again guides our traffic management operatives through the process of removing traffic management.  The traffic management removal process is recorded electronically and includes:

  • Taking photos of the traffic management set up before it is removed.
  • Removal of traffic management
  • Taking photos once traffic management has been removed so you can avoid any unnecessary fines from local authorities.
  • Generating an off-hire note


Our office team can see in real time exactly what stage your traffic management job is at.  They can also send you a full report detailing the stages of your traffic management job and when each stage was completed.  Photos are date and time stamped should you ever need proof of traffic management installation or removal.


Traffic management service providing road closures

The traffic management team are are delighted with the new electronic system, it makes their job easier and there are no more pieces of paper blowing away on site!  Elev8’s Head of Traffic Management Chris Cowley had this to say about the new system:

Chris Cowley Head of Traffic Management at Elev8

The system is fantastic for organising efficient traffic management operations.  It has a logical and clear process for our traffic management operatives to follow ensuring that they consistently complete all health and safety checks and that each traffic management installation and removal is performed efficiently and safely.   Everything that our operatives need is available to them at their fingertips on the tablet, and not having to juggle multiple paper documents out on site is a real bonus.

At any one time I can see where each member of my team is and at exactly what stage of your job they are at.  This helps me to manage my team effectively and allows us to keep you updated on the progress of your traffic management job

More information about Elev8’s traffic management service can be found here.  If you would like us to survey your traffic management or street works job please contact us.