IPAF Rental + passed with flying colours

A fantastic result from this years IPAF Rental + audit, with the Elev8 team achieving a score of 93%. IPAF Rental+ is a quality standard mark designed specifically for the powered access industry.  It’s proof that a rental company has been independently audited and meets rigorous standards of training, equipment inventory and customer satisfaction. The […]

It’s snowflake season!

The Sheffield community knows when Christmas is just around the corner, because the snowflakes on Sheffield Children’s Hospital are lit! The Elev8 team have installed these very special Christmas lights for the past six  years, and we’ve got the project planning and execution down to a fine art! Raising money for an excellent cause Every […]

ISO Certifications renewed, and this time we moved to BSI

Great news for everyone in the Elev8 team as once again we successfully renewed our ISO Certifications.  We hold three different ISO Certifications and because we changed certification body, we went for a full stage 1 & 2 audit across all three standards and passed them all. ISO 9001 Quality Management System certificate number FS […]